Saturday, January 2, 2016

Looking back over the past 6 months...

I can't believe that in 10 short days it will be 6 months since I started my Health and Fitness journey as a Beachbody coach!  I can still remember the first post that I did on my Facebook page about my nutrition struggles!  I was so nervous about this post and what people would think of me!

Most of you know that I started a new journey in my life a few weeks ago (clean eating) but what most of you do not know is that I LOVE junk!! Let me rephrase that, I was ADDICTED to junk!! I always loved it but at some point in my life it turned into having to have it every day! I thought that if I ran 5, 7 or more miles a day then I should be able to have these things or that I earned them. When I started the 21 day fix extreme program on June 29th, I was determined to kick this addiction! I am not going to lie, it was hard but I feel so much better as a result. I still have a "Treat" every once in a while, which is fine because I know that I do not need it every day. It is no longer a "Treat" when you have to have it every day, or even more than one a day. The "Treat" is now party of your everyday diet. It is your choice what you eat, how much and how often but keep in mind that if you have treats too often you may not like the results...I know I didn't!!smile emoticon
The Beach body programs are not quick fixes or "diets," but a lifestyle way of eating that help you eat more nutritiously and will help you lose weight, producing a healthy fit body. It quickly becomes your way of life! Message me if you want help with kicking the junk food to the curb!!

Now looking back on this post, I can honestly say that becoming a Heath and Fitness coach with Beachbody was one of the best decisions that I have ever made!!  I would NOT change the last 6 months of my life!!

I have learned so much about myself over these past 6 months!  I am happy to report that I have not had soda since June 28th!!  This is a huge accomplishment for me.  On the other hand I have learned that I will probably always struggle with sweets.  Even though I wish they weren't, they are my downfall. The holiday season was killer for me.  I did have lots of treats and even though I enjoyed every last bite, I am much happier when I don't eat them.  I love how I feel inside and out when I am eating clean.  It is truly amazing how your mind and body feels when you consume all natural and fresh foods.

I also have to give a big shout out to all my 2015 challengers.  You all are amazing and I am so very proud of each of you for trusting in me as your coach and in the Beachbody programs and Shakeology!  You are the reason I do what I do each day!!  

Interested in being one of my next challengers? Fill out an application below for more information...

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Sooo..this brings me to my goals for 2016!!  I could have gone on and on but wanted to stick with my top 10....

1. Stay true to myself
2. Spend more time with my family
3. Fuel my body with clean nutrition
4. Sweat every day
5. Inspire other's to lead a health and fit life
6. Be confident
7. Be fearless
8. Run after my dreams
9.  Live my life by design
10. Take time each day for personal development

Now it is your turn...what are your goals for 2016?  What will you do different this year?

Interested in what I do as a Beachbody coach?  Fill out an application below for more information...

Fill out my online form.
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