Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

This past week has been a true game changer for me and if you follow me on Facebook or IG, you may not have even noticed.  In fact, I bet you had no idea that on most days I am a complete "Hot Mess".  You probably see my daily posts and think "Man, she has her shit together!"  Sorry to break it to you but I am far from having it all together.  Honestly, I am ok with telling you that I am not perfect.  Better yet, I don't want to be perfect.  I just want to be the best mom, wife and friend I can be.

I have struggled with food addiction, confidence and my body image for a very long time.  I was that girl that would binge on junk food and then go run 10 miles to make it seem like it was ok.  I was that girl that would compare herself to other girls.  I was that girl that would weight herself everyday.  I was that girl that felt like I wasn't good enough.  I was that girl that is a little OCD. 

Well...I am done being "That Girl"!  I want to be the one and only "Me".  I am done allowing food to control my mind.  I am done comparing myself to other girls.  I am done looking in the mirror and not being happy with the person staring back at me.  I am done feeling like I am not good enough....because I am good enough.  I want to take control of my life and when I look back years from now, I want to know that I was the best mom, wife and friend I could be.  

You may see me post about my daily workouts, food that I make, my challenge groups and business opportunities, yes these are all part of being a Health and Fitness coach but the hands down best thing about being a Health and Fitness coach is Personal Development.  Personal Development has helped me help others and myself.  I have a degree in Psychology and always wanted to work with others.  At first I wanted to work with kids with behavior problems but I ended up taking a job in Philadelphia as a Drug and Alcohol Therapist.  After a year, I was spent and decided that I needed to do something else with my career.  I have been doing Project Management for over 10 years and love it but in July when I joined my first challenge group, I found something in that group that has been missing in my life.  It set my soul on fire.  Within a week I knew that I had to be a part of this.  It came back to my passion of wanting to help others.  Better yet, I wanted to help myself be the best version of "Me".  

You may think that you need to have it all together, be at your goal weight, have extra time, have more knowledge of heath and fitness and the list can go on and on but I am hear to tell you that you do not need these things to start your own health and fitness business.  I am just like you in more ways than you think and I am working this business.  

If you have ever seen one of my posts and wondered if you could do what I do just for a second then I want you to come to my "Sneak Peak into Coaching" event this Wednesday, Jan 20th from 8:30-10pm EST.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  

Fill out my online form.
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