
Have you ever thought about trying Aerial Yoga?

  I tried it for the first time back in January and LOVED it!  

Five Benefits of Going to Aerial Yoga Classes
There are a number of aerial yoga benefits that you can learn in attending aerial yoga class. Here are some of those:
1. Total Body Workout. Due to the nature of aerial yoga movements, almost all the body parts are forced to move and stretch. Through this, toning and redefining of the muscles, regenerating and strengthening of the joints are happening during the workout. This workout is even used for physical rehabilitation. Decompression of the spine is one of its main features.
2. Inner body reactivation. The sweat that you produce during aerial yoga has a lot of benefits in the internal body’s regulatory functioning. The circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems are reactivated through blood circulation. Through this, you also boost your mental abilities, regenerating and relaxing your mind, and nourishing your skin. It also strengthens the neural connections related to memory and intelligence.
3. Psychologically beneficial. Just like almost any other workout, aerial yoga helps rebuild your emotional system because it relieves you from stress. It also helps you combat stress whenever you’re in the outside world.
4. Develop new body skills. Because of the new and improved movements involved in the workout, you learn to develop body skills that you may not be able to do in regular yoga.
5. Spiritually uplifting. The spiritual benefits of aerial yoga are undeniable. It increases your creativity which leads you to develop your own artistic skills. You also get to experience more joy and optimism.

My friend Elizabeth Hay has a Yoga studio out of her home in Port Matilda, Pa and also offers some other Yoga classes in the State College area.  Please checkout her out at Elizabeth Hay Yoga

Class Schedule: (Starts Monday, August 24th)

9:30am Aerial Yoga
7pm Yoga Flow

7pm Aerial Yoga

9am Gently Yoga
5:30 Yoga and Mimosas

7pm Holy Yoga

New Classes Downtown:

Classes downtown State College start September 3rd.
Yoga Flow -Movement Arts on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings @ 9:30
Holy Yoga -St. Paul's UMC Day/Time Coming Soon

Weekend and Friday Classes

Holy Yoga on Sunday's will return next week but will be happening based on my availability, which may be every other week.
Friday evening donation practices for charity will be once a month.

Bible Study

The studio is open for Sunday evening Bible Study if anyone wants to lead it. I cannot commit to leading it on my own but would be happy to step in if you couldn't be there. Contact me if you would like to keep this going!

Yoga and Mimosas

This Friday is yoga and mimosas. This practice will be FREE, and a time to reconnect with each other. The yoga practice is challenging but all are welcome, it is a great way to end the week. Mimosas to follow! (alcohol and non alcoholic available)

Yoga in the Park

Stay Tuned For Yoga in the Park coming on Sunday Sept, 13th!
Well that is it, lots of information here so email me if you have any questions.