Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Transformation Tuesday

I am currently in my third round of 21 Day Fix Extreme and I definitely love the way my body is reacting to my new lifestyle.  Over the last 51 days I have been working really hard to step up my fitness program and watching what I am putting into my body each day.  I am not perfect and have had my share of cheat days but I am so happy with the results I have been seeing.  I never thought that I would be able to have abs after having kids and I always thought that it would take forever to get them.  Well...I am hear to prove to you that you can definitely have abs after having kids and it does not take a long time to achieve them!!

June 29th 2015

Aug 18th 2015

I am sure you are all wondering what I am doing to achieve these kinds of results?!  
It is simple, I do the 21 Day Fix Extreme 30 min workout.  I also mix it up with running.  I eat clean and use the 21 Day Fix food guide and containers.  I drink 1/2 my body weight in oz of water each day.  I drink one shakeology shake everyday.

This is NOT a diet!!  

I have never once felt like I have been on a diet.  This is simply a new health and fitness lifestyle that I have decided to follow.

Contact me to find out how I can help you achieve results like this!!

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