Wednesday, August 26, 2015

3 Day Refresh - Day 3 (Last Day)

Day 3 is now complete!!
It really wasn't that bad/hard but I can't wait to have some protein tomorrow!!  
I missed my daily dose of egg whites :)
 I tend to stick with the same meals that I like and don't mix things up.  Maybe that is why I am so excited to have eggs for breakfast. 
 It was nice to give my body a little cleanse/detox.

I started the day off again with another big glass of H2O (8-10 oz is suggested).  

One hour later I had my Strawberry Shakeology with a peach.

Next up was the optional morning tea.  I was out of my green tea and did not have it this morning (my Teavana shipment arrived this afternoon).

I had the Fiber Sweep (digestive health drink) around mid-morning.

Lunch was the same as Day 1 and 2 = Vanilla Fresh (very similar to the Vanilla Shakeology) with 1/2 a peach and a spinach salad with the other 1/2 of peach and olive oil for dressing.  

Afternoon Snack was celery, red peppers and hummus.

Again I had the same as Day 1 and 2 = Vanilla Fresh shake blended with water and ice and a big plate of stir-fry vegetables.  

Day 3 was another successful day!!  

Looking forward to seeing what my end results are in the morning!!

**The 3-Day Refresh does come with other meal options :) **

Let me know if you are interested in trying the 3 Day Refresh.
Fill out my online form.

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