Monday, February 1, 2016

Calling all Entrepreneurs


I never would have thought that I could have my own successful Health and Fitness business.  I do not have a degree in Health and/or Fitness.  I am far from a Health and Fitness expert.  I did not know how to run a challenge group.  I did not have any experience writing a blog.  I did not have a lot of social media experience.  I am still working on my own Health and Fitness goals.  Does this all sound familiar to you too?  If someone would have told me a year ago that you will be a successful Health and Fitness coach, I would have thought that they were crazy!  

I have always wanted to run my own business.  Set my own business hours.  Determine my own salary.  Take vacations when I want to.  Buy something when I want to.  I wanted to have the freedom to do what I wanted when I wanted.  I wanted to give my family things that I would not be able to do doing a regular 9-5 job.  

I can still remember driving home from Philadelphia and knew that when I got home I was going to tell my husband that I was starting my own Health and Fitness business.  I told him, "I know you are going to think I am crazy but I can do this".  I can be successful doing this and I will do this!!  The only thing I knew was how I felt the first week of participating in my first challenge group.  I loved it so much that I wanted to share it with others.  I wanted to help others feel good about themselves.  I wanted to help others live their dreams.  I wanted others to make time for themselves.   

I have dreams just like you do and I know that I do not want to help someone else build their dreams.  I want to build my own dreams.    I am sure you can relate to this.  So what holds you back?  What is running through your head right now?  What if I told you today that you are going to be a successful Health and Fitness coach 6 months from now?  Would you believe me?  Would you do it?

If you are reading this and have been considering becoming one of my challengers or a coach on my team, please reach out to me.  I would love to discuss how these opportunities could change your life.  I am about to begin two new training groups in February and would love to have you join me.  I will be teaching new coaches how to start their own health and fitness business, Feb 1-26.  I will also be kicking off my next challenge group on Feb. 15th.  

Fill out my online form.
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