Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Struggle is Real for "Me" too!!

Let's go back one year ago and take a look at me.  Most of you would look at the picture below and think that I looked fine and didn't need to lose much weight.  You are correct, I didn't have a lot of weight to lose but I was not happy in my own skin.  I didn't feel confidant in a bathing suite and really wanted to shed those extra pounds after my last pregnancy.  The sad thing is that no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't lose it!
 *Picture take in Sept 2015*

Most of you know that I am runner and I LOVE it but no matter how often I ran or how long my runs were it just wasn't cutting it.  One of the main reasons for this was because I ate like shit!!  I would drink soda and eat junk all the time!  I became addicted to those things, needing them every day just like an addict needs alcohol and/or drugs.  I just didn't know how to stop the vicious cycle.  I had tried many times but would fail and the cycle would start again.  The really sad thing was that I would hide this from my family and friends.  No one really knew that I struggled with this every day.

Finally in April, 2015 I knew I had to change something.  I started to really watch what I was eating and I was able to lose a couple pounds for my summer vacation but I was not where I wanted to be.  In June 2015 I decided join a 21 Day Fix Challenge Group.  This was my second attempt.  I failed my first attempt :(  The second time was different.  I was committed 110% and I wanted to change my lifestyle and feel comfortable in my own skin.  After two weeks into the program I decided I wanted to continue with this journey not only as a challenger myself but as a coach.  I wanted to help others like me!   

In Aug 2015 after two rounds of the 21 Day Fix Extreme program, I finally had abs and toned up my whole body.  I have NEVER had abs before in my life.  Not even before kids!!  I finally felt amazing on the inside and out.  I had confidence that I never had before and I was so proud of myself!
*Aug 2015*

*Aug 2015*

*Aug 2015*

In Oct 2015 I got a little too confident with my progress and decided that I could have a cookie here, party snack there and a few too many glasses of wine!  Within about 2 to 3 weeks I had gained a few pounds back and started to notice the my stomach wasn't how it looked in Aug and Sept.  I also started to feel how I felt a year ago about myself.  What was I doing, I just worked so hard and why would I let everything go just for a few to many cheat days!!  I have to admit that I am human and the struggle is also real for me just like it is for everyone else out there.  Yes, I get up and workout every day and try to eat as clean as I can but sometime life does get in our way (parties, dinners out, Birthdays, Holidays and the list goes on).  We have to be aware of this and continue even when we fall off the wagon. 

Right after Halloween another coach and I decided to give the Ultimate Reset a try.  God knows I needed it!  The picture above was taken on Day 1 ( Nov 5th).  

This program has truly been amazing and has tested my limits!  Today is my last day of the Ultimate Reset and I can't wait to share my journey with all of you.

Here is a sneak peak of my progress in just 15 days...
Stay tuned for my Ultimate Reset review!! I will be posting my journey on Sunday, November 29th. I will review the whole program, post pictures and recipes of the food I ate, my achievements and struggles over the last 21 days!

Fill out the application below for more details about the different challenge groups I have coming up in Dec 2015 and Jan 2016!  I would love to help stop the vicious cycle and take a step towards achieving your health and fitness goals!  
Fill out my online form.
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