Thursday, May 12, 2016

Keeping it REAL!!

So...This morning I made a post on Facebook about my struggle with nutrition "I did it all for the cookie"!  You see me post on social media daily about my love of fitness, my Beachbody business and I do throw in some posts about my nutrition. The one thing that I have not shared with all of you is that for the past several months I have been struggling AGAIN with my nutrition!  This morning I knew that it was time to come clean with all of my followers!

Tonight I was looking at an old Blog Post I did The Struggle is Real back in Oct 2015.  I remember this time in my life and Beachbody career.  I was in the best shape I have ever been in and my new little career was on fire.  So what the hell happened?!?!  I think about this often and keep trying to figure out how I could let this happen!  Seriously who lets themselves slowly drift back to their old habits?  I loved how I felt and looked but why would I want to sabotage all my hard work?  The answer is simple, I personally just got too confident!  I started to think that I could eat what I wanted and I would be fine as long as I was doing the workouts.  Clearly that is NOT true.  It wasn't true before I became a Beachbody coach and it surely isn't true now that I am a Beachbody coach.  Over the past 5 months I have gained around 10 pounds.  10 pounds!  What the F*&^!  I have been so frustrated with myself about this and I think that the more I gained the more I continued to let my nutrition get out of hand.  It is a vicious cycle for me!  I look at pictures of me now vs last year and I can clearly see a difference and it is not a good difference.  So when I say that the "Struggle is Real" for me, I really do mean that the Struggle is Real!!  I do not want to continue to be in a battle with myself about this.  I want to look back at this point in my life and say that I am so glad that I got through it and pray to God that I continue to have the strength to NOT let this happen ever again.

As of Monday, May 9th I started the exact workout (21 Day Fix Extreme) and nutrition plan that got me these results last summer!

I KNOW that I can do this again and I will do this again!  I DO NOT ever want to have to start over again!  I know that it will NOT be easy and the next few weeks/months are going to be a big test for me.  My health and fitness is way more important to me than any sweet treat (cookies, cake, chocolate or any other junk)!  They are just NOT worth it!

So, I am I telling you all of this?  1. Because I am sure you may have noticed this on my social media posts and I felt like I needed to come clean with all of you to keep myself accountable and motivated to reach my goals!  2.  I am sure that some of you of you can relate and also have an addiction to sweets/junk.  I want you to know that you are not alone and you too can make a change!

Are you ready to stop the madness and break this cycle?  My next challenge group is starting Monday, May 23rd and I would love for you to join myself and some other ladies that are continuing to work towards our health and fitness goals!  Fill out an application below if you are ready!

Fill out my online form.
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  1. Love love love!!! You are awesome!! So glad that you are my coach!♡♡

  2. Love love love!!! You are awesome!! So glad that you are my coach!♡♡
