Monday, April 11, 2016

Summer Slim Down Challenge Group

The past 4 weeks I have been following the 22 Mins Hard Corps program.  I feel amazing about the progress I have made so far.  I am down 3 pounds and 7 inches.  This is pretty amazing results with only working out 22 mins for the first 3 weeks and about 44 mins for week 4 "Hell Week".  My nutrition has been on point except for a few "cheat" days.  I have learned through my health and fitness journey that it is ok to have these days as long as it is NOT each day.  It is more about eating clean 80% of the time and 20% treating yourself :)  I have also learned that no matter how much or little time you spend working out, if your nutrition is off, you will never reach your goals!!  Can't wait to see my final results after the next 4 weeks!!

In order to see a change you need to make a change! The change is not just going to happen! You can't just wish for it or close your eyes, click your heels and presto those 5-10 extra pounds melt off. Nor will you just magically fit into your favorite jeans! You have to make a change in your health and fitness each day!! I wish it did happen like that but it just doesn't!

Are you ready to stop doing things your way?

Are you ready to make a change once and for all?

Are you ready to feel your best this summer?

I am looking for 10 people that are ready to do this!! I have worked with countless people over the past 9 months to finally stop the madness and just like me, they too have seen the results! I am ready for "YOU" to see these results too!!!

These are just a few things that you will see if you except the challenge:
1. Increased Energy 
2. Lose 5-10 pounds 
3. Lose Inches 
4. Increase Your Confidence 
5. No Crash Diets
6. No Commuting
7. Accountability
8. Motivation
9. Meal Plans
10. 1 on 1 Support

Fill out an application below to reserve your spot in my Summer Slim Down Challenge Group starting Monday, April 18th!!

Fill out my online form.
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