Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What if this ONE decision, right now, could change your future....

Have you ever seen my posts and wondered... 
How good would I be at that? 
Who will be inspired by me? 

Can I really make a lasting impression on someone else? 
Why would anyone choose me when there are so many other coaches? 
Will I annoy people on social media? 
Can I really create financial freedom for my family?

These were all questions I asked myself last July, but then I realized it's all about how bad you want it and what you are willing to do each day to make your dreams a reality.
Your abilities don't define you....your daily choices do!! 
Like me...you'll never know until you stop dreaming and just try.

Join me Wednesday, April 20th for my next sneak peak into being a Beachbody Coach.

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