Wednesday, October 21, 2015

My "WHY"!!!

Over the past few weeks I have been thinking about my "why" for starting a Beachbody business. 

 Let me take you back to July 2015...I was in the middle of my first challenge group for 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I was 10 days into the program and on my way home from a trip to Philadelphia for my full-time job and I just couldn’t stop thinking about starting my own Beachbody business the entire ride home.  I thought my husband is going to think I am crazy, my family and friends are going to wonder how she is going to do it all?!    All I knew was that in 10 days the Beachbody program was working for me and I wanted to show others how easy it can be and help others make changes to their own health and fitness!!  As soon as I got home that night, I told my husband that I wanted to sign-up as a Beachbody coach and not for just the perks of being a coach (discounts on all the products) but that I wanted to be a working coach.  I wanted to continue my health and fitness journey and I wanted to help others too!!

For those of you that do not know me I am a wife, a mommy of two very busy boys (4 and 6), I work full-time as a Project Manager and I am also a Silpada Jewelry Rep.  Did I have the time to start a Beachbody business?  No way!  But, I felt something uniquely alluring about Beachbody.  I felt something special about having my own personal trainer through Beachbody.  And felt amazing about this program I was following to achieve my own health and fitness goals..  I knew right then that I wanted others to share in this journey with me.  The thought of failure didn't even cross my mind because all I wanted to do was continue my own health and fitness journey and teach others what I have been learning about living a healthy and active life!

I have been learning the business, running my own challenge groups and helping people feel better about themselves for the past 3 months.  Let me tell you, it has been nothing short of AMAZING!  I can't even describe how I feel every day about this new journey.  In just 3 short months I have helped a number of ladies lose their first 5 pounds while eating healthier and also helped a few people lose the last 5 pounds that they have been trying so hard to shed.  I would say that it is well over 100 POUNDS LOST and 100 INCHES LOST among the ladies I have helped.  That, to me, is so amazing!!  I am truly blessed that these ladies have trusted me to help them!!

One of the top reasons for starting my business, my "why", is to help men and women live a healthier and active lifestyle.  However, I have realized that my "why" has to be bigger than that!  It has to be something that keeps you up at night, and that drives you every day!  

Over the summer, my family and I went to the beach for a week.  I don't know about all of you but I personally LOVE the beach!!  My husband and kids love it too.  I have always wanted to take surfing lessons and I decided that during this summer vacation I was going to do it!  Cross one thing off my bucket list.  My oldest son also wanted to try it.  So we did, I signed us both up for private surfing lessons.  I would love to tell you that I rocked it out in the ocean, but I really didn't.  My son, on the other hand, looked like a pro.  He got right up and rode waves in every time.  My instructor was so impressed at how well he did for a 6 year old who never surfed before.  He told me about a friend that started surfing that young and was now an amazing, competitive surfer.  I told him that we lived 5 hours away from a beach and unfortunately my son would probably never have the opportunity to stick with it if he wanted.  After that day, I remember thinking and telling my husband how awesome it would be to be able to live at the beach in the summers. 

As I started thinking about my "why" I come back to this memory and know that I would love for my kids to experience these kinds of opportunities in their life.  To give the opportunity to become great at something that they normally wouldn't be able to do.  Who knows, these opportunities can present themselves anywhere, but it may present itself while living at the beach for the summer or it could end up being something else.   

This amazing opportunity for me is Beachbody.  I have this amazing opportunity to have a very successful business right in my lap.  This opportunity can give me the financial freedom to buy a beach house, quit my corporate job, take vacations when I want, give my kids the opportunity to experience new things and I'll be damned that I am not going to give it 110%!!

Why I am I telling you all of this?  It's because I am NO different than you and I want you to have this amazing opportunity too!  

I’ve been reading a book titled “Be That Girl” and it is filled with inspirational quotes.  The excerpt below really hit home with me in my Beachbody journey:

"For most people you have to get out there in the world, do things that scare you (whether it's auditioning for a play, taking a new class, or tagging along on a friend's adventure).  You have to trust that if you try enough things that something will hit home, and like a fire truck siren in your heart, you'll know!"  

For me that fire truck siren has been becoming a health and fitness coach!  As I look back over the past 3 months, I can see that Beachbody has changed me, that a fire has ignited in my soul and my passion-filled eyes are foreshadowing my adventure to come!!

Want to find out more about what I do, how I can help you achieve success, how to get you on a track to a healthier and more active lifestyle and how to SEE RESULTS?  Simply fill out an application and I will gladly reach out to you to discuss.

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