Wednesday, August 10, 2016


So, my last piece on sugar focused on stats from the movie “Fed UP”, the problems too much sugar can cause and why it’s so hard to limit sugar intake. 

Just in quick summary...
·         We, as a country, are getting way too lackadaisical in our daily routines.  Lack of sleep, no exercise and poor nutrition are all contributing to a growing obesity problem.   And our routines, as adults, are having negative effects on our children. 
·         Going to the grocery store is almost like going to the candy shop.  80% of the nearly 600,000 food products sold have added sugar.  How to stay away?  Buy organic, unprocessed food without a litany of ingredients.  It’s the only way to go.
·         Per the AHA, limit sugar intake to 6 teaspoons (6 cubes of sugar/24 grams) a day for women and 9 teaspoons (9 cubes of sugar/36 grams) a day for men.  Really, this isn’t hard to do if you have the right mindset.  And once you make the switch, BELIEVE ME, you won’t want to go back.  Energy levels through the roof, less bloating, clearer mind, less cravings, increased immunity, better digestion, the benefits go on and on.    

Just take one day and eat like you normally would, but track the sugar intake.  Fruit doesn’t count, because the fiber in it counteracts the’s science and I won’t bore you with the details.  If you drink soda, forgetta ‘bout it...there goes the daily allowance plus some.  Just think, in a 12 oz soda there is about 40 grams or 10 sugar cubes.  That would fill up about half the can!  And, now soda is mostly sold in 20 oz bottles...66 grams or 17 cubes.  So, at the end of the day, what’s the sugar intake?  Too high?  Yeah, it’s not hard to do.  But there is a way to correct this.
So, how did we end up in this predicament?  TV ads, magazines, and food at the grocery store all willingly fool you into thinking low fat options are a good thing to keep your waist trim.  WRONG!  When you take the fat out, there goes the flavor.  So, how do the food companies get that flavor back in....ding, ding, ding add some sugar!  Go ahead and look at any processed low fat items you have in the house...that salad dressing, cream cheese or mayo.  Sometimes it’s not much added per serving, but it’s often double what the regular option had.  

So wait, what’s worse, the added sugar or the fat already in the processed food?  It’s often hard to pick a winner to Which-is-Worse questions, when there is no real winner, but most nutritionists agree that excess added sugars are unhealthier.  Now, I’m not saying go eat a pack of bacon instead of that candy bar!  When it comes to highly processed foods, many of them are high in one or both, which makes this question relevant, but there’s a better response to it.  CHOOSE WHOLE FOODS!  I’d say stay away from processed food altogether.      

Food for thought:  Why is there no % daily value allowance on the grams of sugar we take in on nutrition labels?  Maybe this will change in the future, but for now we’re still looking at the 30 year old food guidelines from the FDA unless we make our own smart choices.

Hopefully, by this point you want to learn a little more about eating healthier.  Maybe?   Join one of my challenge groups and I’ll give you recipes, healthy eating tips, how to curb that craving and how to become a better YOU, all while losing some weight and getting fit.  What do you have to lose besides a couple inches? 

This month I will be offering a 5 Day FREE Healthy Grilling Challenge Group.  Fill out the application below to get more information on how to get added to this awesome NEW group.

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