Sunday, June 12, 2016

Take the Road Less Traveled...You won't Regret It!!

How often do you see my workout post and think, man how does she get up every morning and workout?  How often do you see my Beachbody business posts and think, man is she really successful at what she does?  How often do you see my motivation quotes and think, man I totally get that?  STOP thinking about it and do something outside of your comfort zone.  You will be amazed at what you can do if you just try.

It has been almost 1 year since I started my own Health and Fitness business.  I wonder where I would be today if I would not have taken a chance on myself.  We all have choices in our life and yes, I could have just followed the road that everyone else takes and would have been happy with my life but I knew deep down that I was made for something more.  I saw where this business could take me.  The things that I could provide for my family with the success of this business.  How this business lights my soul on fire every single day since I said "YES" to making a U-turn with my life and following the road less traveled.   

You know that you are no different than me, right?  I am a mom, a wife, a friend, a co-worker, a family member etc.  I am also a women that is strong, has dreams, wants to make a difference in this world, wants to provide for my family, does not stop at the word "No" and do not let others opinions of what I am doing stop me.  These things just drive me more to my end goal and that is 1. to help as many people as I can see how living a health and fit life can literally change their lives and 2. empower other people like me to make that U-turn and throw caution to the wind, then sit back and watch them achieve their goals and dreams with this business.  

My next sneak peek into being a Beachbody coach is Thursday, June 23rd at 8:30pm EST.  I would love to give you a look at what Beachbody coach is all about.  

Fill out the below application to join this live event on Facebook.

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