Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Transformation Tuesday (November 3rd, 2015)

Transformation Tuesday!! I am so proud of this lady and the results that she has seen in just 21 days of working with me in one round of my 21 Day Fix Challenge Group!! This is "why" I do what I do! Thank you for trusting in me and this program!!
smile emoticon

"Beachbody and the challenge groups have definitely made a huge impact on me – both physically and emotionally! I have always been active, dedicated to working out and thought that I ate pretty healthy, but the older I got, the less my body was responding to my usual routine. I’d change up the workouts every now and then, but got little to no results… it was so frustrating and, at some points, pretty depressing. I was 15-20 pounds overweight from where I was a few years ago and was feeling pretty down on myself because none of my clothes would fit me properly anymore. I knew it was time for a change, but didn’t know what that change was! Then, I started to see more and more of BreAnn’s posts about her challenges and progress of her team. I kind of figured, “What the hell, it’s worth a shot!” and signed up to do the 21 Day Fix that day! I committed myself to doing the program and following through on the nutrition plan. At first, I thought the nutrition plan would be tough to follow, but it ended up being pretty simple, once I got the hang of it! It was actually kind of fun, putting together meals with my colored containers! My fiancé even got into it, helping me out with “too much blue! Not enough green!” when we were creating our meals. I stuck with it, did the workouts every day, drank my Shakeology, stayed on the eating plan and ended up losing 9.8 pounds and 7 inches in that 21 days! Needless to say, my body has completely transformed and I’m in a much better place with my self-esteem! People are noticing the changes and I can honestly say that this has become my new routine indefinitely!"

If you think you are in need of change like this challenger, please fill out the application below.  I will be in touch shortly and would love for you to join one of our upcoming accountability groups.

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