Friday, November 20, 2015

Transformation Tuesday, Nov, 2015

You all see me post about health and fitness everyday and I know most of you think I am crazy but when I hear stories like this one, it just clarifies what I am doing and the passion I have even more!! Michele Brandt is an amazing lady, wife, mommy and friend!! Her story below is so inspiring and I am so grateful that she trusted me (she was one of my first challengers in my first challenge group). My heart is overflowing tonight!! What an amazing day! "Thank you" Michele!!

Dear family and friends,
I want to share something very personal and important to me and my family...
As you all know I live and lead a Very FULL life! (Sometimes, too full...)
- married to a wonderful guy
- mother to 2 fabulous children, ages 6 and 10
- work full time, traveling the Northeast Territory of the U.S.
- involved in my community & with OneSight
- in order to keep the energy going, I would lean on a MINIMUM of 6 large cups of coffee per day
- I could never find time to work out consistently over the last 2 years (how can I work out when I want to spend my free time with my kids, family and friends?)
- Often, I would only eat convenience food vs. healthy food causing me to gain over 60 pounds (Traveling for work by car and air on a weekly bases AND running the kids from activity to activity WERE MY EXCUSES)
Then, July 2015 it all changed....
My body started to shut down physically and mentally...
I could not function anymore: personally and at work...I was not able to give my all. I was overcafinated and just getting by. I was becoming sensitive to many foods and environmental factors causing me to break out with life threatening allergic reactions. My health sucked and I decided that I had HAD ENOUGH!
After working with my doctor I had come to realize that SOMETHING HAD TO CHANGE, or I would not be around for my husband, children, family and friends.
Change was my decision at this point. I had to OWN IT. I had decided to reach out to a friend who was into health and fitness and asked her for help! In the end, I believe that she saved my personal and professional happiness! AND, QUITE POSSIBLY MY LIFE. THANK YOU BreAnn for everything!
Since August 9th, 2015:
- I eat very healthy now following an easy, clean and healthy eating plan
- I work out at least 30 minutes per day
- I have more energy now than I have had in a long time
- I am down to "0" cups of coffee per day... And I live to tell about it! Lol
- to wrap it up, as of today I am down 27 pounds and 33.6 inches ( remember, I started this program August 2015)
So, to pay this goodness forward I have decided to tell my story in order to possibly support others with changing their lifestyle to support their happiness and well being...
So, what about you?
Do your excuses sound similar to mine?
What is your motivation?
And, what are your goals?
If you want to learn more about the program that my friend had helped me to join, please IM me! I would be happy to share with you what is working for me in order to get you moving forward!!!
I look forward to paying this amazing information and healthy lifestyle forward....
Talk to you all soon...

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