Friday, November 20, 2015

Transformation Tuesday (Nov 18th, 2015)

Transformation Tuesday story goes out to a good friend of mine that I met through our children being in the same school. I am sure that you can all relate to how she used to feel! I am so proud of her and her accomplishments over the past two months!! Thanks for trusting me and the program and most of all trusting in YOU!! wink emoticon

Like most moms, I had been putting everyone and everything else as a higher priority. I am married, have two young daughters, and work full-time. I was over-scheduled myself and my family, and never finding the time to exercise or eat right. I was running myself down. Last winter I got shingles, brought on from stress, not sleeping enough, and a poor diet. I knew that was a sign that I needed to make changes. After many months of hearing about the 21 Day Fix, I finally started the program in early September. It has changed my life. I kicked my soda habit, and I am down from 3 cups of coffee a day (with creamer and Splenda) to one cup of black coffee. Before the 21 Day Fix, I lived on carbs and never ate enough vegetables, fruit, or protein. Now everyday I think about what I am eating and eat a well-balanced diet, but I still enjoy a glass of wine or a sweet treat once in awhile. Now I make exercise a priority, and I actually look forward to it! I have lost 15 pounds in two months, and I feel so much better than I have in years. And one of the best benefits of his program is the example I am showing my daughters. Thanks to my inspirational coach BreAnn and the 21 Day Fix program, I am a much healthier me.

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