Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Chocolate Cake with Raspberry Filling Shake

Who say's you can't have dessert for Breakfast!?!?  
This morning I was craving something sweet and decided to do a spin off of my favorite dessert as my morning shake.  Who else loves chocolate cake or cupcakes with raspberry filling??  Me Me Me!!  I haven't had it in so long but this shake hit the spot and tasted just like my favorite dessert!! 

The best part is that it also contains vitamins and supplements with over 70 superfoods in it - WIN
Increases my energy - WIN
Helps to lose weight - WIN
Costs about $4 - WIN
Reduce cravings of eating the real thing - WIN
Improve your digestion and regularity - WIN
Lowers your Cholesterol - if you have high Cholesterol - WIN

Are you ready to give it a try?

Chocolate Cake with Raspberry Filling Shake
1 Scoop of Chocolate Shakeology
1 Cup of Water
1 Cup of Ice
10 Blueberries
5 Blackberries
3 Strawberries
Blend and Serve

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